Thursday, April 12, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

A HUGE thank you to Tanya Johnson out of Australia for gifting me this awesome recognition.  We found each other off of a Linkedin group for scrapbookers.  She is super sweet and I'm very appreciative of her tagging me for inspiration.  Click on her name to give some love to her blog. Thanks Tanya!  You rock :)
The Liebster Blog Award is awarded to show appreciation of smaller blogs (under 200 followers) and to help with readership. As part of the tradition, the award is to be passed along to five other blogs that have motivated and inspired me.
To accept the Award you must:
1. Thank your Leibster Award sender on your Blog;
2. Link back to your sender on your Blog;
3. Copy and paste your Leibster onto your Blog;
4. Present the Leibster Award to 5 other Blogs with 200 or less Followers that you feel deserves some attention and recognition for awesome stuff;
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving them a comment on their Blog.
So tag I'm it to share the love of 5 blogs that bring me joy, creativity and inspiration!
1.   Ursula Schneider is this amazing beautiful creature that I'm totally in awe over.  Beautiful inside and out she always pushes me to be a better scrapper.  
2.  Heather Innusa is a super fun blog and with 2 kiddos like myself she gets my vote for great PL spreads and super cute craftiness :)
3.  Caz Hancock is another amazing person I met off of SC.  She resides in New Zealand and just has the best attitude when it comes to life in general.  I love her passion for scrapbooking and I love her style :) 
4.  Jessica B. has a blog that is a bit of a mixed bag.  She shares her love for being a girl (something I'm trying to work on so I always love to see), her love for good food (I'm a foodie myself) and of course the scrapbooking!  Her layouts are super fun, girly and fresh.
5.  Magdalena is last but not least.  Out of Sweden she has some awesome layouts that are totally out of the box.  I love that she takes chances in a craft that can kind of get a bit cookie cutter-ish.  She's also a ton of fun on the message boards ;)

Those are my picks.  Go check them out, follow, give them some love and enjoy! 


  1. Thanks so much Maria! That is the kindest thing ever and you are way to generous toward me. I'm so glad that you find inspiration at 'Under Scarlet Bird's Wing'. Truly, I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Blessings to you today!

  2. Maria this is super awesome and super sweet!!!

  3. Wow! So much fun. Thank you kindly!!!

  4. Hi Maria! Thanks so much for the award and also for the sweet comment on my blog (& for following my blog, for that matter - I'm a new follower of yours too now :D). I love your layouts & your kiddos are SUPER cute!!!!

  5. thank you so so much, i must get busy and pick my 5, you made my day and im so happy to have inspired you :)
